When I try to configure the web access to my catalyst 2970 switch. After googling, I found the clue from here. I have to change the authentication method of the switch first, below is the step I use when connected to my switch using serial connection.
#config terminal
(config)#aaa new-model
(config)#aaa authentication login default local
(config)#aaa authorization exec local
(config)#username one privilege 15 password one
(config)#username three password three
(config)#username four privilege 7 password four
(config)#ip http server
(config)#ip http authentication aaa(config)#end
and then I try to connect it through web.. and walaaa... :)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Citrix: Change the IP Address
In CITRIX environment, sometimes we have to change the ipaddress. After changing the windows ip-address, we alse have to update the citrix database. Base on the www.thin-world.com , we have to use the 'altaddr' command.
c:\>altaddr /SERVER:METAFRAME01 /SET
From the point we set the IP, Citrix will not search for the old IP.
c:\>altaddr /SERVER:METAFRAME01 /SET
From the point we set the IP, Citrix will not search for the old IP.
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